Faith Counseling

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Faith Counseling

Faith counseling is a therapy that can treat many of the personal issues a person experiences in his life. Faith is given utmost importance and used in his healing process. Our platform enables you to seek Faith counseling for marital or relationship issues, substance abuse, alcohol addiction, trauma from abuse or grief and loss.

Enrich your faith and connection with the power of God. Depression is often cured by practicing a steady faith. Our Faith counselors understand the challenges that modern-day adults face and therefore they can help you to reconnect with their faith.

They also teach you practical tools to guide you to emerge from these issues and make your life more meaningful, more positive. You can find a counselor who expresses religious beliefs in a way you find agreeable and is willing to accept and understand that the spiritual aspect of counseling is necessary for the best results.

Issues handled through Faith Counseling

Faith counseling is a broad therapeutic approach that can be applied to a wide variety of situations. There is no singular problem that a person should seek Faith counseling for; instead, this type of therapy is used to treat many of the personal issues a person experiences in their life. Rather than seeking traditional therapy for these problems, Faith counseling prioritizes your faith as an important part of the healing process.

Some of the issues that people seek Faith counseling for

Our Faith counseling experts follow several counseling methods like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). But they also use a range of other tools and resources which have been found to be effective in counseling for marital issues, weight loss programs, diet management, etc. These include providing prayer and scripture readings, affirmation, and Bible study. They assist you with ethical decision-making and provide references to other specialists if needed, the same way a psychiatrist does.

Our Faith counselors understand the importance of your mental and emotional health and clearly analyze the symptoms in order to diagnose a problem. Current psychological methods of evaluation, like self-auditing, are used by our Faith counselors when assessing your health. With a steady focus on your spiritual health and personal relationship with God, our counselors believe that your trauma and abuse, mental concerns, and emotional instability can be replaced with self-belief and a sense of spiritual fulfillment.

Book Appointment

Like other therapists, Faith counselors understand the importance of your mental and emotional health and the symptoms which may lead to diagnosing a problem. Current psychological methods of evaluation, such as self-auditing, are key tools for a Faith counselor when evaluating your current status.

However, these counselors do not feel that traditional methods provide a comprehensive overview of what may be ailing you. With the additional focus on your spiritual health and your personal relationship with God, those who practice Faith counseling believe that with therapy, your personal problems, mental concerns, and emotional instability can be replaced with increased self-worth and a sense of spiritual fulfillment.

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What Our Users Say


Kristin introduced me to reiki during a very intense season in my life. Her empathy,intuitiveness and calming presence helped me channel those energies in positive ways which has served me well over time. She created a space during our sessions where I was able to slow down and learn to tune in to the natural flow of things... to allow, align, let go and receive. She's a true healer.


The session was very relaxing. The atmosphere was great, the energy felt really good. I fell asleep fast and slept well that night (had been having trouble with sleep). Been having issue with nervous twitching, etc. and that was reduced...we also did a visualization on money and that night I attracted $1500 unexpectedly! The session felt great!