Solve Wellness Issues

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Solve Wellness Issues

By wellness, we mean holistic health, encompassing an individual’s physical, social, emotional, spiritual, professional and intellectual wellbeing. You might be physically fit, with a body free of diseases and seemingly healthy to an observer. But emotionally if you are living with trauma or fighting relationship issues, that makes you unwell indeed and in need of help. Several could be the symptoms requiring the kind of wellness counseling services that we enable through our platform.

Weight loss, wrong diet and lack of nutrition, sleep disorder, work-life imbalance and relationship issues contribute to wellness issues. A health risk assessment by an expert who enquires into each of those aspects becomes necessary if you suffer from it. Our app will help you find the best counselor to guide you on this journey towards total well-being. Only when you are wholly healthy will you be able to realize your true potential to the fullest.

Book Appointment

Our team of wellness experts focuses on solutions founded on mindful awareness. The very best counseling services that we offer will put you through weight loss programs and marriage and family issues support. The counselors will help you devise a daily routine that works best for you, which takes care of all kinds of health needs at the same time. You will be guided to create your goals and accomplish them.

Essentially you will find a patient listener to your feelings here, one who can understand you free of judgment. You will learn to unearth your fears and phobias and dispel them, pump in positivity into your thoughts and action and in short, transform yourself. Online depressing counseling is much in demand in today’s world and we have found that the root causes of depression could be sometimes emotional or intellectual or other. Our experts identify and address these here.

Download Our App!

PACIFYR is here to help you identify the right counselor for your needs. You may download our app or visit the Contact Us section on our website to get started on your journey of wellness and mental peace. To begin with, it will answer your concerns around 'How to find the Counselors/ Wellness Providers near me?' Learn about free counseling and what therapy best suits you.

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Feel free to share your concerns or questions, and I’ll provide a concise response or guidance based on the information you provide.

What Our Users Say


Kristin introduced me to reiki during a very intense season in my life. Her empathy,intuitiveness and calming presence helped me channel those energies in positive ways which has served me well over time. She created a space during our sessions where I was able to slow down and learn to tune in to the natural flow of things... to allow, align, let go and receive. She's a true healer.


The session was very relaxing. The atmosphere was great, the energy felt really good. I fell asleep fast and slept well that night (had been having trouble with sleep). Been having issue with nervous twitching, etc. and that was reduced...we also did a visualization on money and that night I attracted $$$ unexpectedly! The session felt great!